Monday 3 October 2011

Existing Products Evaluation

Researching existing products has being the most hopefully piece of work i have produced so far this year. It has helped me finalise my ideas by seeing whats in trend and with London fashion week taken place in the latest month everything in high fashion magazines and online blogs and websites couldn't be more helpful with such a wide range of variety! It was simple to know where to look but because there is so much out there i really had to narrow down my research pages so that i could make my chosen ones more detailed. I used images that help builed up what i want mine to look like. For example i researched a lot in to other designers so that i would have more knowledge on how a collection is brought together to look like a whole piece and although i didn't find many pieces that represented what i aim to represent i took the positives out of this and realised that mine could be if it goes to plan quite an original collection. Dolce & Gabbana is probably the fashion house that i can relate to the most because they have a very simple look that is linked with one or to garments, just like what i aim mine to be like; not read between the lines but linked between the lines! The thing i found most looking in to fashion more was that the thing that makes you stand out the most now is being different, it's not always about the setting or the backdrop, it could be just plain grey.. it is all about the unque look of the model and that in my opinion is what sets the mood, not the surroundings. After realising this i knew exactly what i wanted the dresses like so thought what would help me out the most would be to decide on hair and makeup. It did take a while because i knew what type of look i wanted to create and was stubborn not to budge my idea. I backed it up with images of two models with slicked back hair, i decided this because it makes a very bold look but won't draw the attention away from the dresses and accessories im in the process of making! Im producing these pages in my A3 folder and giving them a very profesional look because throughout my work i will keep on referring back to them.

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